
where ya been?

What's it been, a week or so now? I was hoping to be able to share a bit while I was in New Orleans this week. I didn't want to pay the extra dollars the hotel was charging for Internet though. As a matter of fact, I'm really sorta proud of myself. I may have set a new record for the least amount of money ever spent on a week away from home in a big city. The work conference fed us breakfast and lunch most days, so those two meals were no issue. There were a couple of times though when dinner was also breakfast, but I'd been meaning to start a diet anyway. No soft drinks or junk food on this trip. The busy-ness kept me from even noticing the DT.

The New Orleans airport is buzzing this morning. Most everybody looks like me; pillow wrinkles, puffy eyes, and hair just good enough to fly with. Seeing all of the Big Easy's entertainment options, I'll bet some of these folks haven't been to bed since yesterday.

OK, calling my flight. More about the last few days and some other stuff soon. Promise.

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