

I have very high aspirations for both of my kids. Casie is my princess. Christian is my best pal. I want everything that is good for them in life. I want them to succeed, but I don't want them to get bogged down with needless worries or strict expectations. I want them to dance. I want them to be like Amy.

In her few but fast paced years of life so far my friend Amy has seen and done more than just about anyone I know. I mentioned her travel blog a few paragraphs down. If you've been over to take a look at some of her journeys you know she's seen a big, big part of our world. And I don't just mean landscapes, cities and wildlife. She's really seen the world.

I met Amy back in 2002 I think. I'd just been working for our congressman a few days when she walked into the office for the first time. She was young, pretty and tan for sure, and a bit trepeditious I thought. I learned later that that's not natural for her. But she was literally stepping straight out of college and headlong into the tough man's world of big time politics. Personally, I think she was playing timid to see how a bunch of territorial older guys would respond to having a young, pretty, barely-not-a-teeny-bopper girl around. She's sly.

It's not Amy's style to just slip into a room, she walks in like she's been announced. I love that about her. Now, if she wants to, she can come into a crowded space, mill around for an hour or two and slide out without the avoided even knowing they've been dissed. I've seen her do it, and she's good.

The thing that I'd want my own kids to emulate most is Amy's sense of adventure. She's barely over five feet tall. Her frame is tiny. She has a gorgeous little voice, and I've never seen her hit anyone. (Although her you-don't-want-to-go-there stare can scare you a little.) She doesn't command fear when you see her, but her willingness to stare it down is mean. What most others see as too big a task she sees as the next challenge. She's fierce!

She's raised and managed millions of dollars for a variety of causes, and kept scattered crews of dozens all on the same page to get big things done. Her tiny shoulders have rubbed against the most powerful and elite, and she's stood toe-to-toe with the best of her colleagues. She has accomplished what some bigger and broader folks can't seem to. She sorta reminds me of Angelina Jolie's beautiful, scrappy character in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith." She's so cool!

And today at 28 years of age I know her adventures are just beginning. We'll celebrate later, but I wanted to say happy birthday and send tons of love to someone I'm very keen on. She's my friend.

Happy birthday Amy!!

1 comment:

Amy Wickliffe said...

You made me cry!! Too too sweet Kenny B. Love ya bunches!