

In my capacity as a manager or an executive I've tried to abide by a hard and fast rule when it comes to hiring. I never hire anyone I cannot fire. That means I don't hire family or friends or relatives of friends or friends of relatives, or friends or relatives of my boss. This limits the field some, and it may mean the best person for the job won't get it because of their connections, but the consequences could be ugly otherwise.

So what do you do when you hire someone and they become like one of your best friends? Several years ago when I was looking for an assistant I scheduled an interview with an intelligent and attractive young lady from Louisville. We met, talked and clicked. Her skills were exactly what we needed. She was able to learn quickly what she didn't already know. She was willing to work the ungodly hours that were required and she was just super pleasant to be around. So Katherine got the job.

I've heard it said, and I've repeated it several times, that the best, most lasting friendships are the ones formed in the trenches. The work Kat and I were doing was sometimes like trench warfare. Ours is a soldier's bond.

I don't know if anyone ever called her Kat before, but that was the name I gave her and before long most everyone else was using it too. Our offices were close enough to the other that usually all I had to do was call her name and she was ready to take on a task.

I don't interview people for the position of friend. Those relationships just happen. You click with some people. You don't with others. The ones who become close friends were meant to be. The others are good acquaintances.

Kat and I have both moved on to other things now. She's successful and planning to marry this summer. I'm as happy for her as any big brother would be. I couldn't hire her today. She's too good a friend, and way too much like family.

Today is her birthday. It is also Derby Day which is a big deal here in Kentucky. It's a day fit for royalty which fits my former assistant very well. Happy birthday Kat!! Lotsoluv!!

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