

Some people just come across as rock solid and sure. They are confident, reliable and steady. I have a few friends like that, but the one that seems to exhibit the really admirable traits most is Greg. (Although a really good guy, this is a different Greg than the one I mentioned about a month ago.)

I like to watch people. Their reactions (or over reactions), their sense of what's appropriate or expected, their ability to make the best of an awkward moment, all of those things reveal a lot about their inner confidence and fortitude. Greg is the type of quiet that doesn't make a lot of noise, but you don't forget he's in the room. I like that.

A couple of years ago several of us took a trip to San Francisco. Greg was there, and it was then that I first noticed his skill of making his point without belaboring it. He's fun to be around and makes for very pleasant conversation.

He's celebrating his birthday today, and if I know him well enough he won't make a big deal out of it. Nonetheless, happy birthday Greg!!

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