
bless it forward or die!

I'll bet you get a lot of forwards. Lord knows I do. To be honest, I don't even look at most of them. I have a couple of friends who know how much email I get and only send me the really good stuff, so when I get one from them I know it's going to be really cool.

I don't do like some folks do and blast back a response telling people to lay off the forward button. It's not that big a deal to just delete them. As a matter of fact, if the subject line looks intriguing enough, I sometimes sneak a peek. I usually scroll all the way to the end first, and if it tells me I have to send it on to a dozen of my best friends to receive a great big present from God, or that I'll fall of the edge of the world and stub my big toe if I break the chain, I usually just close it and delete it. I don't like feeling manipulated and I don't think God does either.

Just in case I'm wrong, please pray God understands my ignorance.

1 comment:

Lora said...

I had to laugh at this one. I used to get frustrated with all the inane forwards some people would send. I, too, just delete them from certain people...my mom is the worst! She sends me at least 10 to 20 per day. I look in the subject line to see if it's a "personal" email from her..if not.."delete". She saw me doing that one day and got offended. I had to laugh. Told her if she used a bit more discretion, I'd actually look at them. I agree, I don't believe forwarding or not forwarding any "Godly" email is gonna hinder or aid in my prayer life. Silly people.