

I like people with spunk. I know a few light steppers who avoid people with strong personalities, but I think they're missing out on some great fun and adventure. Sometimes I'll stir something up just to watch their eyes squint and their nostrils flare. People like that know how to get things done.

One of my favs is my friend Ann. She's got spunk. I call her my little Jew. She loves it. You've heard it said that friendships formed in the trenches last forever. Ann and I met while taking cover and returning fire in the middle of a political campaign. You don't get much closer to warfare than that. We've spent entire, long days fighting along side each other and made sure to take the time to chill and relax together at the end of the combat. I've shared stuff with her that no one else knows. I trust her that way.

I'm missing my friend these days. She's living in Washington, DC and spends a good part of her life between several countries. Today is her birthday and she seems especially far away. I hope it is a really, really good one for her.

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