

Several years ago I was at a monumental cross-roads in my life. Even though my options were limited, I was having trouble settling on which way to go. There were lots of voices with lots of advice, but the one that offered as much compassion as info was Zachary. I needed space to rest and think. He offered it. I needed a friend with the ability to help me sort my things out. There he was. He was a lifesaver for me. I'd tell him I'm forever in his debt, but he'd draw up a payment plan. He's not perfect, just good.

There are friends you trust and believe in, then there are friends you rely on. I'm very fortunate to have lots of the trust and believe type. Then there is the one I can't imagine not having around to share my good and hard times with. Everyone needs someone they can just be wide open with, someone to keep them on balance and focused. In my life that position is filled by Zachary.

Incidentally, his initials actually spell his nickname. So happy birthday Z.A.C.! I hope to be able to return the favor one day.

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