

I've heard enough memorials about giving and generous people to know that there are some people in the world these days who'd give you their last morsel of food if you asked for it. They are servants. They receive great joy in seeing that others are cared for and happy. I have a friend like that. His name is Greg.

Some friends are just extra special. Sometimes you make a connection with someone that isn't easily described with words. Greg is one of my confidants. He and I share our struggles and our concerns and our quirks and our frustrations with each other. I don't know what it was that made us first trust each other this way, but sometimes you just feel a bond that creates the freedom to confide in each other knowing that it is as important to keep as it is to share.

Maybe the closeness is partly because our birthdays are so close. Today is his. I want it to be memorable and happy and special for him.

Happy birthday Gregory!!

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