
enamored and confused

There's a lot about Jesus I don't think I'll ever figure out. He had it made at one time. He did the craziest thing when he gave up the ultimate life to take on earthly life and all of its limits. God confined to skin, minutes and meals bamboozles me. Nothing but love could've forced him to do it. The more I think about it the weirder it gets. I'm still not sure what it is about me that makes me so worth it.

Knowing me the way He does, I can't imagine He expected much from me in return. He knows my limits. He knows I can't come close to returning all of the favors I've enjoyed because of Him. The fact that He trusts me at all just blows me away. But that's His nature. That's just what He naturally does - if a super-duper-extreme-above-the-laws-of-nature God can do anything naturally.

I'd never thought of God as being attractive. I was mostly told that He is rigid, harsh and perpetually angry. But I've found Him to be more ready to hug than to hit. He comes across to me now preferring to kiss than to kick. That makes Him very attractive to everyone who's been led to believe they must fear His wrath before they trust His love. Who would want to attach themselves to a deity who creates life, is life, only to make it painful and stomp it out? He gave us life in the first place so we can know Him forever.

I'll never figure Him out. No one will. So when I read the great scholars who knew Him well, but not entirely, I have to remember that they speak and write from the knowledge they have, but they don't know everything. No one does. No one can. From what I do know about Him, I love Him. From what I've learned about Him, I can't help but really love him.

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