
mark 9:38-40

John: Jesus! Jesus! You would've been proud of us. We saw this strange guy using your words to do miracles and round up converts. No worry though, we put a stop to it.

Jesus: Whadya stop him for?

John: He’s not one of us.

Jesus: But he’s not against us.

John: But he’s not one of us. He doesn’t look like us. He doesn’t talk like us. He doesn’t act like us.

Jesus: Is he supposed to?

John: Come on, Jesus. We don’t know anything about him. We don’t even know where he’s from. He might be preaching the wrong stuff. He might be using you just to make money. He might give you a bad rep. We’re already having it hard with the religious police.

Jesus: I’m not led by the legal opinions and hypocrisy of shallow spirits. They don’t get my stuff anyway.

John: We have to set some sort of rules. We can’t just let anybody get up and spout your name.

Jesus: Why not?

John: It’s bad for business. It confuses people. It just looks bad.

Jesus: Whatever made you think this was a business?

John: You know what I mean. He’s not in our group.

Jesus: That’s not for you to decide.

John: There has to be a standard.

Jesus: John, here’s the way I see it. I don’t care what your skin, your hair or your clothes look like. I don’t care how you talk, where you’re from, how important you are or if you’ve got talent. Famous people, common people, people big and small, bold and shy, jailed and free, old and young, I don’t care. I don’t care who you love, as long as you love me. I don’t care if a chauffeur gets you here or you ride the bus. Jeans, shorts, a suit and tie don’t even figure in. Doctors and drop outs fit in just fine. Believe me, in a few years there’ll be a million different pods of people getting together every week sure that they’ve figured all this stuff out. Most of them though will only accept a seat next to a look alike. Every one of them will be wrong about something. But I’m not concerned with their mistakes as long as they believe in me. As a matter of fact, the way I see it, whoever is not against us is for us.


Unknown said...

How sad it is that this plays out everyday!!
Romans 8 tells us that there is NO condemnation in Christ...yet we as gods children destroy others because they do
not believe in the same doctrines..
When will Gods Children learn that a divided house will not stand..and we need to walk in Love..to give support,encouragement and to show the same Love and mercy that God has given us

Unknown said...

How sad it is that this plays out everyday!!
Romans 8 tells us that there is NO condemnation in Christ...yet we as gods children destroy others because they do
not believe in the same doctrines..
When will Gods Children learn that a divided house will not stand..and we need to walk in Love..to give support,encouragement and to show the same Love and mercy that God has given us

Elaine Harcourt said...

Great blog! I'm so glad that He doesn't care what we look like only that we believe! Thanks, Kenny.

Anonymous said...

Amen ... That's my Jesus!

Paul C Lynch said...

I loved this! Sorry I've not been keeping up for awhile, but I'm back. Love your writing and your thoughts.

Eric Scott Robertson said...

great work, kb! you hit the nail on the head as always!